8th grade, High School and University Students
What is a Dance Film?
In order to be considered for the Dance Film Festival a work must be:
1. defined by choreographic intention in dancing or movement
2. defined by camera work, cinematic form, and/or editing techniques
Who is eligible to submit?
- NHSDA Students: 8th-12th grade or post-secondary students who are members of their NHSDA Chapter
- Colorado Dance Students (8th-12th grade or post-secondary students)
- All Choreography, filming, and editing should be student work
- Any style of dance is invited to be submitted, as long as it is in good taste for our entire dance community
Film Requirements:
- 5-minute maximum time limit per film
- Concept, costumes, music, and movement style should be community friendly
- All Choreography, filming, and editing should be student work
- Video should be submitted in Mp4 or .mov format, or as a link to a third-party site (YouTube, Vimeo, etc...)
- Please include credits: Title of Film; music, choreographer, director, cinematographer and dancer credits; and any additional acknowledgements.
Submission Information:
1. Fill out the information in the form below
2. Videos should be in Mp4 or .mov format. Videos can be submitted to this Google folder
3. All films submitted by the deadline will be reviewed and will receive a response from the CoDEO board.
4. Films will be chosen to be screened at the conference based on: number of submissions, variety of styles, and variety of dancers to provide a diverse, and dance educational performance
6. For other questions and information contact Leslie Williams: leslie.codeo@gmail.com
Submission deadline: Friday, December 9th, 2023